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Choosing our schema validation library

Since the start of Swarmion, we used json-schema-to-ts to generate types from json schemas. This library is a great tool, but we encountered some limitations after using it for a while:

  • Writing json schemas is not very intuitive. It is not easy to write a schema that validates a complex object for new developers using swarmion.
  • We encountered some performance issues with repositories that have a lot of json schemas with FromSchema type inference used on them.

Thus, we decided to explore other options. After some search, we decided to check zod and typia

Our comparison points are base on those criteria:

  1. Ease of write
  2. IDE performance
  3. External interface translation (open-api doc, AWS direct integration)
  4. Typescript ecosystem
  5. Runtime performance
  6. Additional features (i.e extending typescript possibilities, form validation, ...)
  7. Marketing

TL;DR: We chose to keep json-schema-to-ts implementation to not introduce a breaking change, and we will create zod serverless contracts and promote them in the documentation.

Ease of write

We write a lot of schemas with swarmion, so we need a library that is easy to write and understand.

json-schema-to-ts / ajv

  • ✅ Pros:
    • Based on a standardized format
    • Complete and well maintained (🤎 Thomus)
  • ❌ Cons:
    • Very verbose
    • Not very intuitive
    • No autocomplete in IDE because of the as const syntax
    • Can easily produce invalid schemas, which are only detected when applying the FromSchema inference (or using the satisfies typescript keyword)
    • Schema composition / modularity can be tricky


  • ✅ Pros:
    • Intuitive
    • Autocomplete in IDE
    • Good modularity in schema definition
  • ❌ Cons:
    • Not standardized
    • Still need to read the documentation for first schemas


  • ✅ Pros:
    • Literally writing typescript type
    • No lib knowledge needed
  • ❌ Cons:
    • codegen

IDE performance

See this repo analysis for more details

json-schema-to-ts / ajv

  • ✅ Pros:
    • Schema definition is quick (basic types)
  • ❌ Cons:
    • Type inference is slow because it needs to parse the schema recursively every time


  • ✅ Pros:
    • Type inference is really quick (up to 10x faster than json-schema-to-ts)
  • ❌ Cons:
    • First schema instantiation in IDE typescript language server is slow, but contracts are cached after that


  • ✅ Pros:
    • Fastest

External interface translation

At build or runtime, we need to translate our types to external interfaces (open-api doc, AWS direct integration, ...)

json-schema-to-ts / ajv

  • ✅ Pros:
    • json-schema by definition
    • we developed the open-api translation
  • ❌ Cons:
    • Type inference is slow because it needs to parse the schema recursively every time



  • ❌ Cons:
    • Translation to a runtime object is only done at runtime
    • We would need to use codegen libs like to generate a runtime / buildtime object
    • There could be differences between the runtime check and the generated format because of the codegen

Typescript ecosystem

We need a lib which is well supported by the typescript ecosystem

json-schema-to-ts / ajv

  • ✅ Pros:
    • 390 197 weekly downloads
    • 1k stars
    • Thomus 🤎
    • ajv is also big in the ecosystem and well maintained
  • ❌ Cons:
    • A bit smaller than zod and typia


  • ✅ Pros:
    • 2 429 757 weekly downloads
    • 2O,3k stars
    • Core maintainer is crazy active
    • Big libs driving the development: trpc, react-hook-form, ...


  • ✅ Pros:
    • 2,3k stars
    • An article about this lib buzzed
  • ❌ Cons:
    • 3 666 weekly downloads: strange ratio compared to stars count
    • Not used on any project I know

Runtime performance

Not the most important factor in most of our use cases but still important

Based on the typia doc whi compare ajv, zod and typia in this doc, the ranking is:

  1. typia
  2. json-schema-to-ts / ajv
  3. zod

Additional features (i.e extending typescript possibilities, form validation, ...)

json-schema-to-ts / ajv

  • ✅ Pros:
    • ajv is a very complete lib
    • basic keyword like pattern or min etc already extends typescript validation possibilities
    • possiblity to add keywords and custom validation with ajv
    • there are form validation libs
  • ❌ Cons:
    • The syntax is not very intuitive
    • It's configuration as text
    • form validation libs are not the most well maintained

## zod

  • ✅ Pros:
    • complete extension with custom code
    • form integration, well maintained


  • ❌ Pros:
    • No form lib integration
    • Limited to typescript possibilities (no min, max on number for example)


Zod is by far the most popular lib, it is good for SEO of the repository, and we might be listed on this section at the start of their documentation.