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Use integration tests util

Write integration tests on deployed resources without worrying about the environment variables.


# using pnpm
pnpm add --save-dev @swarmion/integration-tests

# using yarn
yarn add --save-dev @swarmion/integration-tests

# using npm
npm install --save-dev @swarmion/integration-tests


1. Declare a test environment variable

import {
} from '@swarmion/integration-tests';

stack.node.setContext(SCOPE_CONTEXT_NAME, 'myScope'); // Optional
stack.node.setContext(TYPE_PATH_CONTEXT_NAME, './testEnvVars.ts'); // Optional
// ...
// latter in a construct
new TestEnvVar(this, 'API_URL', { value: httpApi.url });

This creates a SSM parameter with the value of httpApi.url.

The name of SSM parameter is :

  • /testEnvVar/myScope/API_URLif the CDK Context SCOPE_CONTEXT_NAME is defined to myScope
  • /testEnvVar/API_URLif the CDK Context SCOPE_CONTEXT_NAME is not defined.

If the CDK Context TYPE_PATH_CONTEXT_NAME is defined, the instantiation of the construct will create or sync the file ./testEnvVars.ts with the following content:

// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit it manually. cf
import { getTestEnvVars } from '@swarmion/integration-tests';

export type TestEnvVarsType = {
API_URL: string;

export const TEST_ENV_VARS = getTestEnvVars<TestEnvVarsType>();

2. Load the variable in your test environment

Create a setup file for your test runner.

import { syncTestEnvVars } from '@swarmion/integration-tests';

await syncTestEnvVars({
scope: 'myScope', // Optional
cacheFilePath: './testEnvVarsCache.json', // Optional, default to './testEnvVarsCache.json'
cacheDurationInMs: 1000 * 60, // Optional, default is 1h
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config';

export default defineConfig({
test: {
setupFiles: ['./integration-tests.setup.ts'],

This gets the value of the SSM param /testEnvVar/myScope/API_URL into process.env.API_URL in each test processes.

syncTestEnvVars gets all SSM parameters that begin with /testEnvVar/ or /testEnvVar/myScope/if the scope is defined to myScope. Then it pushes their values into process.env.

Subsequent calls to syncTestEnvVars will use cached values instead of fetching SSM. Cache file and duration can be configured through cacheFilePath and cacheDurationInMs options.

The cache file mustn't be committed, add it to .gitignore.

3. Use the variable in your test

import { TEST_ENV_VARS } from './testEnvVars';

describe('health check', () => {
it('returns 200', async () => {
const response = await fetch(`${TEST_ENV_VARS.API_URL}/health`);

TestEnvVars is a typesafe version of process.env.