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Add a new shared TypeScript library

Generate a new shared TypeScript library

Let's add a new utils shared TypeScript library to the project:

pnpm generate-library utils

The generate-library command is a shorthand for the following command defined in the root package.json file:

pnpm nx generate @swarmion/nx-plugin:library

To have more info on the @swarmion/nx-plugin, you can check its documentation page.

The packages/utils folder containing the utils shared TypeScript library has been added. The project dependency graph now looks like the following:

Swarmion app with utils librarySwarmion app with utils library

Right now the library is not used by any library or services in the projet. Let's how to use it in a service.

Make sure the code of the library is packaged

The source code of a library is written in TypeScript, but this is not the code that will be used by packages that will use it. In order to be used for all purposes, a library must be packaged in 3 formats:

  • commonjs (for older Node.js processes)
  • esm (for newer Node.js processes)
  • .d.ts (for TypeScript and VS Code usage)

There are two commands that can be ran in the packages/utils folder to package the library:

# package the library in all formats once
pnpm package

# listen for changes and package the library in all formats automatically
pnpm watch

For the rest of the tutorial, we will consider that the pnpm watch command is running, hence that all changes to the library are automatically packaged.

Use the library in a service

Add the library to the service dependencies

To use the utils library in the users service, you need to first add it a normal npm dependency:

cd services/users
pnpm add @my-project-name/utils

This will add the following line in the dependencies of the services/users/package.json file:

"dependencies": {
"@my-project-name/utils": "workspace:^",

The project dependency graph now looks like the following:

Swarmion app with utils library used by users serviceSwarmion app with utils library used by users service

Reference the library as a TypeScript project

To make Go to Definition (the Ctrl+Click command) work accross inside users when clicking on code defined the utils library, you need to reference the utils library as a TypeScript project. To do so, add the following in the services/users/tsconfig.json file:

"references": [
"path": "../../packages/utils/"

Import code from the library

The utils library exports a single function utils defined in packages/utils/src.utils.ts. Let's use it in the users service:

import { utils } from '@my-project-name/utils';

export const main = async (): Promise<string> => {
const utilsValue = utils();

console.log({ utilsValue });

return Promise.resolve('ok');

To check that import is working, we can either deploy the lambda and call the GET /users/health endpoint, or we can invoke the lambda locally:

pnpm serverless invoke local --function health

{ utilsValue: 'ok!' }

Wrap up

You now have a library that can be used to share code accross multiple services and event other libraries.

Next, we will see an important feature of a Swarmion app, contracts 🚀