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From Babel to Tsup


Swarmion used Babel to transpile internal library code. Babel made it possible to transform our Typescript code to plain Javascript (both CommonJS and ESModules).

However, we decided to migrate to Tsup. It uses Esbuild and is much more efficient to transpile libraries.

For more context, check out the migration PR.


Before migrating from Babel to Tsup, we strongly recommend adding eslint no-extraneous-dependencies rule.

This will ensure you don't forget to specify your dependencies in your package.json. If you forget any, tsup will bundle them resulting in bigger bundle size.

  • Enable import/no-extraneous-dependencies in your eslint config:
    files: ['**/src/**'],
    excludedFiles: ['**/__tests__/**', '**/*.test.ts?(x)'],
    rules: {
    'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [
    devDependencies: false,
    optionalDependencies: false,
    peerDependencies: true,
  • Fix dependency errors if there are any

Then, in each built package:

  • Add "./tsup.config.ts", to the "exclude" parameter in

  • Add the tsup dependency

  • Add a tsup.config.ts file with:

    import { defineConfig } from 'tsup';

    export default defineConfig({
    entry: ['src/index.ts'],
    silent: true,
    format: ['cjs', 'esm'],
    outExtension: ctx => {
    return { js: `.${ctx.format}.js` };
    outDir: 'dist',
  • Replace the "main" and "module" fields in package.json with:

    "main": "dist/index.cjs.js",
    "module": "dist/index.esm.js",
  • Replace the "package" command with:

    "package": "pnpm clean && pnpm package-transpile && pnpm package-types && pnpm package-types-aliases",
    "package-transpile": "tsup",
  • Remove the "package-cjs", "package-esm" and "transpile" commands

  • Remove all @babel packages and babel-plugin-module-resolver

  • Remove babel.config.js

  • Remove the root babel config

And you're all set! You should be able to package your whole application using Tsup instead of Babel.